Twas the Night Before Ordination

Twas the Night before Ordination,

and all through the house,

not a creature was sitting,

not even a…

Ok, that’s not true.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that this night is full of restlessness and wrestling because it is so much like the first night I knew without a doubt that I had to answer this call to ministry. That night had tears and fear and uncertainty.

Not tonight.

Tonight, there is only hope and joy to have a church family who believes in me enough to call me out and commission me.

Tonight, there is only love for a husband who saw this call in me long before I ever did.

Tonight, there is only great anticipation for the road that lies ahead.

To be called is to be forever changed.

To be ordained is to forever give your life for the sake of pointing others towards Christ.

And it’s in losing my own life that I can truly gain it.