This Way

“But how do I know if this is God’s will or not?”

It’s one of the question I often get asked. Perhaps it’s because even as a pastor, I shy away from specific advice and stay closer to guiding people to listen to their hearts and souls. Perhaps it’s because in fundamentalist theology, there is an over-emphasis the dangers of being out of God’s will. Either way, I can’t answer this question for certain for someone else.

What I can say is that in my own experience, the Divine does not direct in multi-step, multi-year detailed plans. Rather there is a gentle voice that comes at crossroads that whispers, “This way.” I can’t think of a time where I this still, small voice has shouted or given me the directions before the journey begins. For me, it always seems to come at the very last moment right before I need to know the next step.

I used to resist this direction. I used to rail against this direction.

But now there is a peace that surrounds me. I don’t need to know what lies ahead. I simply need to walk on until I hear that still, small voice whisper, “This way.”