Blogs I Like

It’s always hard for me to begin the conversation about blogging with people. When they ask me what I write about, I have to say, “I write a lot about education and just things that I read that I want to talk about.” It’s not a science. It’s not a formula. It’s just me and my random thoughts.

Come to think of it, it’s a lot like what you would hear if you were to come into my office and hear me talking to myself. When I read something or when I am in the process of thinking through a new idea, then I need to talk (type) through it.

So, I thought I would just list a couple of blogs that I like to read:


Digital IS: A collection of teachers who are trying to integrate Social Media and digital literacy into their classrooms not just because it is technology, but because it is good for students and their literacy development.

Sam Harrelson:  an innovative teacher who is changing the world for his school and his students and is willing to share his experiences openly.

Kevin’s Meandering Mind: a peak inside an innovative classroom who is implementing gaming into the classroom.

Principal’s Page: the real story of what it’s like to be an administrator


Pastor Chris Adams: blogging through the different studies of the Bible

The Wayfarer Blog: an inside look into the ins and outs of youth ministry and an honest take on ministry and how it impacts family life.


TechCrunch: the newest and latest in the tech world

Mashable: what is happening in the world and business of tech companies

So if you like to read and ramble, take a look and who knows maybe you find that you have something to say or work through afterwards!