No Quiet Time

A peak inside the life of a teacher:

The reality is that most of us who work in education definitely do not have quiet lives. Depending on the level you teach, you may have a group of students following you down the hallway at any given time. Being an educator is a great way to live life but we are surrounded by students and colleagues during every part of our day.

Most people outside of education do not know what it is like to look at the clock in the morning and hope that you get a chance to run to the bathroom before the bell rings, because if you don’t, you’re just not sure when you’ll make it there. But it’s ok, these are all the issues that come with being an educator and most of us accept it with a positive attitude because this is our chosen profession.

What if we could find professional development where we don’t have to leave the house? No worries about driving directions or meeting our colleagues on time. The biggest traffic issue is when too many people are on the computer at the same time. With all of our daily distractions we do have access to professional development within the comfort of our own homes, and that is through Twitter.

And still in the midst of being surrounded by students, colleagues and administrators demanding decisions and attention, there are educators who are seeking and searching to improve the way they interact in this noisy life.

Pretty amazing when you consider that most of us don’t stop thinking about ourselves throughout the course of a day!