The Five Worst Smells While You Are Running

The Five Worst Smells While You Are Running

You never know what you are going to encounter on any particular run, you always hope it will be beautiful sites and not bothersome smells!

  1. Freshly Cut Grass:
    Although I appreciate freshly cut grass and the way that allows for an easier running path, it’s not what I want to encounter on my run. Not only does the grass cutter have to stop cutting in order for me to run by, but then I have to breathe the tiny particles for the rest of my run!
  2. Skunk:
    No one likes to smell a skunk, but when you are running, you can’t hold your breath and speed by, so the smell follows you on your path.
  3. Greasy Grille:
    Don’t get me wrong! I want that greasy food to restore my body after I run, but when I am running, I don’t want to even consider eating food.
  4. School Bus Exhaust:
    Because a school bus is so tall and I am so short, if I get stuck behind a school bus, then the exhaust is going to hit my squarely in my face.
  5. Second-Hand Smoke: If you are a city runner, then you have to encounter people who are enjoying a smoke break. While it may be easier to hold your breath through this smoke cloud, it still can stick with you as you continue on.