When It’s Difficult to Remember

Last Sunday, as we celebrated All Saints Sunday, I read the name of my own dad as one of the saints to remember on this high and holy day. It was not the first time in my years of memory that I have read someone’s name who was difficult to read. It is always difficult to remember when we have lost someone we love and who loved us. It is difficult to remember that time has passed, memories have been made without their presence with us. It is always difficult to remember those who have shaped us and guided and to mark the first year of their passing.

Even though it is difficult, it is so important for us to remember. It is important for us to remember that life is so much shorter and goes so much more quickly than we think. It is important for us to remember that we only have one wild and precious life to live as Mary Oliver says. It is important for us to remember that nothing is guaranteed and that as much as we plan and hope, we don’t know how many days we have left to live.

It is important to remember even when it’s difficult so that we don’t forget to live intentionally and meaningfully. To choose how we spend our time. It’s important to remember so that we don’t forget that the words we say and the decisions we make linger in the hearts and minds of people we love and people we encounter. It’s important to remember so that we don’t forget to pause, even for just a minute, to be thankful for all that we have experienced and all that we have been given. It’s important to remember so that we don’t forget that to whom much has been given, much will be expected.