
A Different Rainbow

On Monday, our five-year-old and I were reading an informational text about rainbows. One of the facts she read was that each person sees a different rainbow. Each person sees a different part of the rainbow because of where they are in space. Not everyone is the same height. Not everyone’s eyesight is the same. …

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On Being Here Before

Since the calendar turned to 2024, there’s been conversation and recognition that things feel strange…not just because it’s another leap year. The same two teams were in the Super Bowl as four years ago. That’s not the only parallel. It appears right now that the same two people are somehow going to be running against …

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Changing Routines

If you were to ask our six-month old what she thought about her crib, I think she would say she tolerates it. She does like being able to see through the sides of the crib and she does like having space to roll over onto her stomach, which is currently her favorite sleeping position. But …

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Building Bridges

Shortly after we moved from Columbia, they began work on a bridge on Highway 378 . It’s still not completed. It’s been almost three years and as we have moved between the city where we lived and the city where we now live, we have watched the cranes slowly put a new bridge in place. …

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Up Above

As we are in the newborn season again, Twinkle Twinkle has become a part of our nightly routine either sung by our seven and four-year-old or hummed in the wee hours of the morning. As I was humming the tune, I was struck by the line “up above the world so high.” My thoughts, already …

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A Prayer for Advent

We cling to hope – Even when the world seems hopeless.  We rest in peace –  Even when the world urges us to hustle and bustle.  We find joy –  Even when sorrow and sickness surround us.  We bask in love –  The love you sent to this world, In the form of the Christ …

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