When You’ve Been Here Before

I was standing at the desk in my classroom and as I turned around, I had that feeling. I thought I’ve been here before.

In a very real sense, I had been there before. The trips back and forth to my desk have been numerous, searching for paper clips, scissors to lend a student, or the sticky notes they needed to take notes on the national parks we were studying. But this wasn’t that kind of feeling. It was one of those moments that transports you back through time and space and reminds you that something is familiar.

It’s not deja vu exactly, although it feels similar. For me, this has happened walking the aisle of a new church while filling the pulpit on Sunday mornings. It’s happened running a new trail by still waters. It’s even happened walking into a new bookstore.

It’s the feeling of settling in. It’s the feeling of being in a space enough times for you to know exactly where the chairs and desks are so you don’t run into them anymore. It’s the feeling of needing a pen and knowing exactly where to find it. After so many changes over the past month, it’s the feeling of relief.

I am here now. I know this is where I am supposed to be.