I have been receiving for the past three weeks statements and informations for my tax preparation. I have been shocked to find the number of nonprofits I have supported over the past year. I don’t remember doing this intentionally, I only remember that every organization had a friend whose dream was to go serve people overseas and use the talents and gift they had been giving to help others.
In many ways, I was without a single church last year as I spent many Sundays in different pulpits providing pulpit supply, so these friends were my church. They were who I supported so that they could have experiences that might change their lives and might put them a little closer to finding their lives calling.
Now that we have a church home, I can’t help but hope that this is exactly what we are doing as a church, supporting others as they work out the call God has placed on their lives to be worthy of the calling and to live a new life in Christ. And when we do church that way, we start to transform people and in turn start to transform the world.
It reminds me that everyone has a story that and a dream to make a difference, yes, even those who upon first glance don’t fit our definitions of dreamers.