Fear Not

Fear creeps in

unwanted, unexpected

choking out reason

with the cyclone of

what if?


Fear overcomes you

creating a caged animal

clawing, fighting

with the dire need

to survive.


Fear transforms us

diving us over a great abyss

into camps of

us vs. them

staring each other down.



one chorus of

this little light of mine

sung in a homeless shelter

one ray of sunshine

after cloudy dark days



fear dissipates.

The fog is lifted

we can see

each other.


Compassion creeps in

unexpected, unwanted

choking out reason

with the cyclone of

what if?


What if

I helped you

and you helped me?


What if

I listened to you

and you listened to me?


What if

we together

overcome fear

with compassion

eating and sitting

side by side?