When the World Is Not As It Should Be

During Eastertide, we are engaging in a series on Creation Care. We are asking the questions: What does it mean to live at peace with the natural world around us? Does practicing peace in this way change the way we interact and relate to others?

This past Sunday, we looked at Genesis 2 when Creator God brought dust together, breathed into it, and created humanity. Then, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.” I wonder what it looked like if we lived into this call to till and keep the land. Not own the land, not fight over land, but tilled and kept the land Creator God entrusted to us. What a different world we would live in!

This is not the world we live in. The world is not as it should be. Humanity does not live in peace with themselves. Humanity does not live at peace with creation. Instead more often than not, we use what has been entrusted to us to till and keep for power and profit.

This Saturday at Garden of Grace, we will launch our creation care initiative for 2024! We will gather together from 9- 11 am to till and keep the grounds that have been entrusted to us. We will create wildflower bombs to offer beauty and new life to the world. We will also offer clothes and food to anyone who needs it.

We are trying to live into our call to co-create with the Lord God. Come join us!