Students Lead the Way

When schools and classrooms open themselves up to new possibilities, students respond by exceeding our expectations. Case and point: student blogs.

What does blogging have to offer that’s so revolutionary?

I often remind people who are looking in from outside the district with skepticism, envy (or both) at our technology use, the ultimate goal is not to have students blog, it is to have students improve their literacy skills and have the ability to be digital writers, and to do things that would not be possible without the technology.  It is about students creating content to hyperlink to the world, to embed photos and video with text.  It is about students publishing, and then to have the opportunity to receive feedback on their work, review, edit and republish. It is about students producing work not only for their teacher, but for the world. It is about students having their own space to be creative and connect in new ways.  It is, ultimately, about students having greater ownership of their learning.

Having outside real world feedback on student writing is reason enough, but students actively engaged makes it even more worthwhile.