As we sat outside in the fading sunlight, we discovered that the terrarium that our four-year-old has faithfully been watering had sprouted grass! I have to admit I was convinced with the way we had left it out in heavy rains and had twisted and turned it, there wasn’t much of a chance for anything to grow. I was wrong.
As I took a closer look, I realized there wasn’t just one type of grass, but two different kinds grass. I wondered how that happened when we had not paid as much attention to the daily care of the terrarium in the midst of end of the school year activities. How could those seeds take what they needed and then suddenly sprouted?
Then I thought about how it happens in my own kids. One day they favor their baby pictures and what seems like the next day, their clothes don’t fit and they are eating five times a day growing before my eyes.
Growth is unpredictable, especially seed growth or soul growth as I like to call it. The soul growth is the deep growth that often comes from planting new ideas, new identities, and new dreams. Soul growth comes after being uprooted or encountering fierce storms. Soul growth isn’t detectable from the outside for a long time, so long sometimes that it seems like nothing has taken root at all.
Keep watering your soul and one day, unexpectedly, new life will come. And you never know, it might even be two kinds of new growth that have just waiting to debut.