Let’s Make a Deal

On my last flight, I realized I’ve stopped enjoying flying. Rather than being amazed at the sights I was able to see and the experience of defying gravity, I was muttering under my breath, “Straighten up! Remember there ate people back here!” I was speechless when I realized how critical I was being. Just because …

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The few

On Southwest flights, there are no seat assignments. You board and find your seat. On one flight, the stewardess asked if a few people would be willing to volunteer to move so that a family of four could sit together. No one offered. She offered free adult beverages. Hands went up all over the place. …

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Flying with Style

I’m a selfish traveler (or maybe just in general). I want to be appreciated and taken care of when I fly. I don’t want to be blamed when I almost miss a flight when it’s the airline’s fault. So you can imagine my giddiness this morning when I encountered Southwest’s unique flying experience. As we …

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Spotify Love

This is why Spotify has outfoxed iTunes. In the age of instant communication and instant feedback, Spotify’s sharing option sets it apart as the best music player.   I’ve been sharing music with my friend in England.  I can listen with her and we could even recreate the German hip hop dance class that we …

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The Power of Social Media

I’m astounded at the number of teachers who complain about teaching in the age of accountability and yet do nothing. We are letting the press and media talk about untruthfully and unfairly about us and our students and we are doing nothing. “It’s the law. There’s nothing we can do.” True. It’s hard to overturn …

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Tales of a Technology Teacher

There’s something about being a technology teacher that elicits all kinds of unprovoked bitter diatribes from people. The conversation always starts off nice and neutral and then the question: What do you teach? History and Technology Oh typing, right. No actually we have been doing a lot of blogging and video editing. Oh that’s interesting …

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Figuring it out

I grew up in the you-need-a-cell-in-case-of-an-emergency mindset. Texting was around, but the online social community was still based in instant messaging on computers (side note: this is how I learned to type, not by looking under the cardboard screen in typing class!) I was in college at the perfect time for the Facebook outbreak (which …

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Log off and zone out

I spent my 4th of teaching as a History and Technology teacher. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. My passion and love of reading have driven my classroom instruction and graduate studies. I was more than a little skeptical about the impact of technology on emergent literacy. I believed that technology was …

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