Running Memories
Just because I can’t run, doesn’t mean I can’t explore running gear : ) I had one of these in Germany!
Just because I can’t run, doesn’t mean I can’t explore running gear : ) I had one of these in Germany!
Jus’ Running (@jusrunning) 11/26/12, 7:55 AM Jane’s Mon. group leaving from Jus’ Running (523 Merrimon Ave.) at 6pm for 4-5 miles (10 min. pace) this evening. Free & open to the public. Love living in Asheville!
I like to consider myself a diligent student, especially when it comes to languages because I have been in a foreign country and I have taught a foreign language, so I know the frustration of being a teacher of languages. But if I am honest with myself, I haven’t been a good Hebrew student. I …
What learning Hebrew has taught me about myself and life Read More »
I still put on my running clothes everyday. Even though I can’t run like I want to, I still have to “suit up” and walk or even do housework because running is part of my routine, my decompression, my sanity. If I can put on the gear, then I can get my head to the …
Winter Warrior There’s nothing like a misty morning run as the cold air of winter blows in. As I was running this morning and my lungs were burning, I thought of how many more cold runs there would be if I decided to truly train for a half marathon in the Spring. It seems unfair …
Chi Running Thanks to my friend, Sadie, I have been doing aspects of this since training for my first half marathon in Germany! She literally ran beside me and taught me to breathe and stand up and engage my core. If you haven’t tried this, you absolutely should. Changes the muscles you work out, changes …
The Five Worst Smells While You Are Running You never know what you are going to encounter on any particular run, you always hope it will be beautiful sites and not bothersome smells! Freshly Cut Grass: Although I appreciate freshly cut grass and the way that allows for an easier running path, it’s not what …
After being instructed by the wonderful people at Jus’ Running to never run in the shoes I brought in to replace again, I realized that I needed a better system for keeping track of the mileage I was putting on a pair of running shoes. I could estimate how many miles I had put on …
I often wonder about the people that I meet on my runs. I wonder what their stories are. I wonder where they have been. Sometimes I even make up their stories: Her morning was filled with preparation. She had started at 10 and finally got in her car at 11:45 to make the short drive …
You have to love when you are trail running and your encounter a large obstruction blocking your path! At this point, you have two options: Reroute: Turn and run back the way you came from! Jump: Although it might mean slowing your pace to a walk a little climbing, it will make you feel more …