Are we teaching a lie?

When you buy into a system that you think is going to guarantee a new chance and a new opportunity and it doesn’t deliver, what happens next? This week, a judge dismissed a lawsuit against New York Law School filed by some of its own recent graduates. They claimed the school’s marketing misled them about …

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Are students asking to use mobile devices in your class?

It’s amazing as a teacher when you encounter a community of learners without noticeable barriers and boundaries between teachers and students. That’s what I saw today at Oakbrook. I saw teachers who were reflectively considering the way that technology would be used in their classrooms and who were thinking through theses decisions as their students …

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Is school about money or students?

More and more I am wondering whether public schools are about students or money: One of the leading criticisms of voucher programs—and charter and virtual schoolsfor that matter—is that they undermine traditional public schools’ finances by sucking away their per-pupil funding and resources.

I’ve said my piece

I’ve said my piece, I’ve made my plea. Now it’s time to decide who you will be. Amen. Let it be. Amen. Let it be.

Swept Them Away

I had a dream last night that I was standing on the porch and watching the ocean. Then I saw that the tide was creeping closer and closer and becoming more and more powerful. I begged and pleaded to the people around me to follow me inland. I told them what I saw, but then …

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First Run in New Shoes

It’s an exhilarating and excruciating experience. Those first steps without aches and pains, without feel the impact of each step. Freedom from pain. Oh yeah, I like running. And then the awkwardness of the autocorrecting that inevitably creeps up because you don’t have to overcompensate for run down support. Like a foal trying to learn to walk for …

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