
Parallel Pathways

Before the morning light, I sat in the stillness nursing our nine-month old, wondering at this life becoming before our eyes. Even with the sleepless nights, time has passed much too quickly. My mind wanders to the other Mamas who are on parallel pathways. The ones who waited with us for an open delivery room, …

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Magic and Mystery

As our four-year-old saw the full moon through the telescope this weekend, she uttered just one word, “Wow!” There’s something to this time of year where the veil between this world and the next is so thin. The skies are bright with different hues and the moon and planets are shining bright. It’s raining leaves …

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Grandmother Oak

When we moved from the house we lived in for seven years, I knew there was something that wouldn’t change: our morning walks. It is a practice that was birthed in the pandemic. A way for the morning light to bathe us and ground us as we faced another day in uncertain times. It’s something …

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It’s hard to find time to stop and pause. When the news keeps coming in. The stories of people taken from their homes. Mothers burying their children. It’s hard to find time to stop and pause. When there are deadlines and drop offs. The stories of school days. Children growing up before you eyes. It’s …

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Glow in the Dark

My dad loved babies. He loved all children, really, but especially babies. One of the hardest parts of finding out we were expecting a new minihuman was the realization that she would never meet her Baba in this life and that he would not get to hold her, rock her, and sing an original lullaby …

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National Daughter Day

Today is National Daughter Day, which just happens to fall after a full weekend where all four of our daughters were together. As I have walked this journey of mothering daughters, every season and stage has led me to understand that it is extremely difficult to grow up in a female body. From preschool princess …

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Keeping Watch Over Night

When we were in the hospital as we welcomed our daughter into the world, I was reminded of those who work and keep watch over night. We had the same night nurse both nights and she explained that she had always worked nights. She found it to be peaceful and fulfilling to help patients through …

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On Parenting Every Divison

This school year we have a high schooler, a middle schooler, an elementary schooler, a preschooler, and an infant. We are parenting every division of school and development. While it may seem overwhelming (I mean five is a lot of mini-humans), there is a lot of joy in being able to see the breadth and …

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