Merianna Harrelson

I am the Pastor of Garden of Grace United Church of Christ in Columbia, SC and the Director of Consulting at Harrelson.Co. I am always looking for a good cup of coffee and a great book.

Eclectic, but united

There’s a great episode of How I Met Your Mother, where Marshall who always dreamed of being an environmental lawyer tells his wife that he actually likes his job as a corporate lawyer. They are attending an event in the Natural History Museum and she sees the College Marshall and sees that he is extinct. …

Eclectic, but united Read More »

Maybe so

Maybe “offshoot” is the best thing that a teacher can hope for: So, suppose knowledge is not the goal of education. Rather, suppose today’s content knowledge is an offshoot of successful ongoing learning in a changing world – in which ‘learning’ means ‘learning to perform in the world.’  

Back to the Drawing Board

Most teachers have to take standardized test for certification purposes, but those aren’t the test scores that decide whether teachers are effective. They are test scores from tests that teachers don’t take: The question of whether teacher evaluations are reliable indicators for teacher effectiveness has long been controversial. But New York City reignited the debate …

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Three-Tiered Bunk Beds

“Innovation can’t be taught, it must be learned!” It is a rather difficult concept to wrap your mind around if you think about it. How do you teach students, parents and teachers to think creatively? How do you teach outside-the-box ideas? Is this even possible? It seems as though education has decided that this is …

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Danny Well makes a good point: In other words, people have to learn uncritical thinking as well; uncritical thinking is also learned activity.  Therefore not all teaching and learning is good.  How do we differentiate the chad from the wheat? In order to analyze what we want students to learn, we first have to analyze what students …

Un-Learning Read More »