

During the COVID shutdown, one of the daily practiced we implemented with our kids was a morning walk. We looked at signs that the season were changing. We tracked the morning light, but our favorite days were when we encountered a new creature. The pileated woodpecker would often interrupt our walks or the box turtle …

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A Weary World

I didn’t realize over the weekend how spotty my reception was until we came back down the mountain and my phone started ringing with calls encouraging me to buy this or that and my messages started to buzz to alert me to upcoming Cyber Monday deals and breaking news alerts. Normally. I don’t notice how …

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Grandmother Oak

When we moved from the house we lived in for seven years, I knew there was something that wouldn’t change: our morning walks. It is a practice that was birthed in the pandemic. A way for the morning light to bathe us and ground us as we faced another day in uncertain times. It’s something …

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Foggy Mornings

Last week, as I went to walk after school drop off, the park was covered in fog. The fog cover made everything look different. Although I had walked this same path many times before, I found myself looking down more often. I was watching my step because the fog was disorienting. It made me wonder …

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Up Above

As we are in the newborn season again, Twinkle Twinkle has become a part of our nightly routine either sung by our seven and four-year-old or hummed in the wee hours of the morning. As I was humming the tune, I was struck by the line “up above the world so high.” My thoughts, already …

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Summer Magic

There’s something about summer that makes time stand still. There’s no rushing to school in the early morning. No afternoon push to get homework done. There’s time and space for lingering. Time to stop and watch the turtles as their heads pop out of the pond water. Time to hunt for toads and build toad …

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Something New

As I watch the posts from parents of end of the school year awards’ days, graduations, and field days, I think about how we are moving into a new season. We are moving from the daily hustle of getting up and getting into school into the summer days filled with camps and new schedules. For …

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Unexpected Growth

As we sat outside in the fading sunlight, we discovered that the terrarium that our four-year-old has faithfully been watering had sprouted grass! I have to admit I was convinced with the way we had left it out in heavy rains and had twisted and turned it, there wasn’t much of a chance for anything …

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