mom life

Keeping Watch Over Night

When we were in the hospital as we welcomed our daughter into the world, I was reminded of those who work and keep watch over night. We had the same night nurse both nights and she explained that she had always worked nights. She found it to be peaceful and fulfilling to help patients through …

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On Parenting Every Divison

This school year we have a high schooler, a middle schooler, an elementary schooler, a preschooler, and an infant. We are parenting every division of school and development. While it may seem overwhelming (I mean five is a lot of mini-humans), there is a lot of joy in being able to see the breadth and …

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One Month Together

Tuesday marked one month of time together with our newborn. One month…one moon cycle…one calendar page…four weeks. How can time go so quickly and so slowly all at once? A month seemed like such a long time while I was pregnant, but with her in my arms it seems like a short time. Even though …

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Power Up

When our four-year-old was little, there was a family call and response. We would say “Power Up!” and she would promptly bring both of her arms up, make muscles and give us the cutest, concentrated face. This became a thing even before she was talking and it was often at the dinner table that we …

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First Day Feelings

This morning our son started his first day of second grade. Although he has had many first days of school, this one was different. Maybe it was because he looks so much older now since his baby sister arrived. Maybe it’s because I remember second grade and I know he will too. But I think …

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When Milestones Sneak In

Just a couple of days ago, our four-year-old announced it was time for her first haircut. It’s not as though we haven’t asked if she wanted a haircut. She was fiercely determined that she would not have her haircut until she her five-year-old birthday even as she tagged along to her brother’s routine haircuts. And …

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Sprouts of New Life

As part of the children’s church, our four-year-old brought home a cup of soil where they had planted a seed. The lesson had been about planting seeds of love and kindness and how important that was in bringing about new life and hope in people’s lives. The idea was that we could be the sunlight …

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