Merianna Harrelson

I am the Pastor of Garden of Grace United Church of Christ in Columbia, SC and the Director of Consulting at Harrelson.Co. I am always looking for a good cup of coffee and a great book.

My First Bath

  Willie had his first bath and he was not a fan of it. I just thought I would share his reactions from resignation to “get me out here!” Who knows, maybe his fascination with the bathroom will now fade!

I have a problem…

I know this isn’t normal, but when I draw near to the last chapter of a book, I get a kind of panic in my stomach. I know that there are more books to read than I could ever possibly read, but what if I end up not having another book to start once I …

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First Night Home

I never expected to be so changed by pet ownership, but after a weekend of waiting to pick up my newly adopted puppy, I found myself rushing to the Humane Society to pick him up. My nerves were on end as I waited for him to come out and to be able to finally take …

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Puppy Preparation

I am actually glad now that the Humane Society gives you a couple of days before you can take home your puppy (although I have been rather worried about him, since he is still in isolation because of his cold!) because it gives you time to go through and attempt to puppy-proof the house. Although …

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Winter Running: Ear Gear

I am not a winter runner who needs to wear gloves. My shirt sleeves are usually long enough for me to make do, but I found out quickly once I started running that my ears were had to be covered.  There was something about the wind whipping around my ears that made me want to …

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Running Etiquette

If you are wondering whether there is a rhyme or reason to why runners act a certain way, wonder no longer! There is! If you are running outside on a path, then here a couple of tips that will make you look like a natural: Run on the right: I know this sounds like a …

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Inspiring words from a dying teacher

Really inspiring words, from an inspiring teacher: “I am at the end of my life,” Menasche told USA Today. “I don’t know how much longer I have left, and I just wanted that sense of satisfaction that the time I did have I used well.”