Merianna Harrelson

I am the Pastor of Garden of Grace United Church of Christ in Columbia, SC and the Director of Consulting at Harrelson.Co. I am always looking for a good cup of coffee and a great book.

Switching Gears

  As I started my last semester of classes in seminary, I realized that soon this two-week life will be over. I can actually see the finish line. I can actually count down the number of times I have to commute to school. It’s surreal. I have become accustomed to starting my week at seminary …

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Supporting Others

I have been receiving for the past three weeks statements and informations for my tax preparation. I have been shocked to find the number of nonprofits I have supported over the past year. I don’t remember doing this intentionally, I only remember that every organization had a friend whose dream was to go serve people …

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Yesterday, the world was quiet in our neck of the woods. Snow covered everything as we slept wondering what the next morning would hold. It was wonderful to take the pups out for our walk and to see that very few people were out and about. Almost every house had their cars parked in their …

Noisiness Read More »


It’s been a week since I’ve been to this place that has slowly become a space where I have figured out who I am and what I am supposed to do with these breaths I’ve been given. Sure, I’ve taken longer leaves of absences from this, but this time it was for a purpose not …

Silence Read More »

Glitter Carpet

At our church, each family takes turns cleaning the church. This week, we all worked together, so I found myself in our nursery vacuuming glitter from the snowflake ornaments the class made in Sunday School. Our girls are a part of that class and I thought about how thankful I am for a congregation that …

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