mom life

Parallel Pathways

Before the morning light, I sat in the stillness nursing our nine-month old, wondering at this life becoming before our eyes. Even with the sleepless nights, time has passed much too quickly. My mind wanders to the other Mamas who are on parallel pathways. The ones who waited with us for an open delivery room, …

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Changing Routines

If you were to ask our six-month old what she thought about her crib, I think she would say she tolerates it. She does like being able to see through the sides of the crib and she does like having space to roll over onto her stomach, which is currently her favorite sleeping position. But …

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Birthdays and Celebrations

On Monday, we will celebrate five years with our daughter. There’s something about four-year-old preschool that feels so old, isn’t there? She has started to read the world around her, picking out sight words, familiar signs, and even surprises herself reading new words. It feels like it’s happening too fast! As we joined with friends …

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During the COVID shutdown, one of the daily practiced we implemented with our kids was a morning walk. We looked at signs that the season were changing. We tracked the morning light, but our favorite days were when we encountered a new creature. The pileated woodpecker would often interrupt our walks or the box turtle …

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I Rocked My Baby Tonight

I rocked my baby tonight and watched her eyes flutter and listened to her coos and felt her life. I rocked my baby tonight while Mamas in Israel and Gaza rocked theirs shrouded in white for the last time. I rocked my baby tonight with tears in my eyes and fears in my heart the …

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Foggy Mornings

Last week, as I went to walk after school drop off, the park was covered in fog. The fog cover made everything look different. Although I had walked this same path many times before, I found myself looking down more often. I was watching my step because the fog was disorienting. It made me wonder …

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Childcare Shutdown

In two days, many early childhood facilities are facing the end of pandemic-era funding, which may require them to close. In South Carolina the estimate is that 600 childcare centers will have to close meaning 50,000 children will be without care. Even before the pandemic, there was a national shortage for childcare workers. Since the …

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Up Above

As we are in the newborn season again, Twinkle Twinkle has become a part of our nightly routine either sung by our seven and four-year-old or hummed in the wee hours of the morning. As I was humming the tune, I was struck by the line “up above the world so high.” My thoughts, already …

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National Daughter Day

Today is National Daughter Day, which just happens to fall after a full weekend where all four of our daughters were together. As I have walked this journey of mothering daughters, every season and stage has led me to understand that it is extremely difficult to grow up in a female body. From preschool princess …

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