Learning Linkshare

When I first joined the affiliate marketing world, Linkshare was my first attempt to dive in, but honestly I was overwhelmed. I didn’t know which the programs were worth applying to and I didn’t know how many to apply to. Was there a limit? How did you get approved? What did they look for in …

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Join us

It’s in these times with a New Year around the corner and reflection creeping in that you need to find people who are with you. People who see what you see. For me, that means I needed to find another teacher marketer. I did! How about joining us (that’s right, I’m not just a lone …

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The Brilliance of the Occupy Movement’s Marketing

As I was listening to NPR yesterday, I was struck by their analysis of the occupy movement. They commented, quite surprised themselves, that the occupy movement is already more creative and popular than many other social movements In asking why, they actually provided important marketing advice for new affiliates. The occupy organizers thought through their …

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A Big Shake Up

The world of education has changed drastically since the passing of No Child Left Behind. Since that legislation was passed, schools have slowly and systematically shifted to standardization. Teachers were consulted about the legislation or the resulting curriculum purchases to ward against a debilitating “failing” label. My teaching career began just one year after the …

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