Merianna Harrelson

I am the Pastor of Garden of Grace United Church of Christ in Columbia, SC and the Director of Consulting at Harrelson.Co. I am always looking for a good cup of coffee and a great book.

9 Months and Waiting

This morning I had my 36 week appointment with the doctor. I have certainly gotten used to the routine of going to the doctor, but today was significantly different. There were signs over all the sinks, “Do not use sinks.” There were signs over the water fountains, “Don’t drink this water.” And there was almost …

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What is Normal?

As I watched the news this morning, I heard the news anchors saying again and again that what the Midlands community is looking forward to is returning to a sense of normalcy. I nodded my head in agreement at first, but then I realized that for some many families there won’t be a normal to …

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Open Arms, Closed Doors

In my first year of teaching, I experienced something that changed the way I view God, the church, and society. I was teaching second grade  in a high poverty school. Our school was 88% free and reduced lunch, the second highest rate of food insecurity in the district. At Christmas, my home church had always …

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