Therapy Dogs in Action
As we get ready for Willie to start his training in nursing homes, we look at these stories and know the work we will do is important work in providing healing. Sometimes dogs understand better than any human can.
As we get ready for Willie to start his training in nursing homes, we look at these stories and know the work we will do is important work in providing healing. Sometimes dogs understand better than any human can.
Over the last two drives home from seminary, I’ve found myself neglecting my usual radio or podcast distractions. Instead, I’ve found myself thinking about the last three years in numbers (something that doesn’t happen often for me). Here’s what I’ve put together for my seminary journey in numbers: I’ve lived in 3 different cities. I’ve …
In finishing up one of my last assignments for class, I ran across the story from Hudson Taylor: After concluding my last service about ten o’clock that night, a poor man asked me to go and pray with his wife, saying that she was dying. I readily agreed, and on the way to his house …
Tonight after our open church time in remembrance of Good Friday, I walked into the sanctuary to start the transformation for Sunday morning. This is one of my favorite parts of being in ministry: being able to see the behind the scenes preparation aspect of worship. I remember the first time I robed and participated …
As I am preparing for our Easter service, I can’t help but be reminded of what my preaching professor has always told his students. If you are going to break the silence, don’t fill the void with word clutter. Meaning, make sure that what you have to say comes from God and not from you. …
After I wrote the post yesterday, I got in my car after class to make the drive home. The first song that came on was Willie’s Nelson’s “On the Road Again.” There was a moment where I just laughed, I had to because the moment we speak what we are thinking there are bound to …
Last week as I was driving onto campus, the radio station happened to play Willie Nelson’s “On the Road Again.” As I fought the fatigue of my Monday morning commute, I couldn’t help but readjust my attitude to realize the great privilege I have had in pursuing seminary. To be certain, the journey has not …
As the weather changes, I can’t help but be reminded of the summer we spent at my grandmother’s pool. I can remember some Springs that were so warm that my grandfather would open the pool on Easter Sunday. The brave souls that were the grandchildren would timidly creep to the edge of the pool and …
My husband asked me why I wasn’t using my new Chromebook last week. Even though I didn’t tell him, I couldn’t even remember where it was in the house. When I first got my Chromebook 11, I was so excited about the newer, slicker model. I loved the white, but two weeks passed, and it …
Recently, Buzzfeed released an article entitled “27 Sure Signs You Grew Up Evangelical.” I can identify with all 27. I know there are other people who can’t identify with even one, but as I was reminded about Psalty and Adventures in Odyssey, I was reminded of one of the Psalty tapes I listened to growing …